책들의 우주/비즈

Best Innovation and Design Books for 2006

지하련 2007. 4. 25. 23:35

BusinessWeek에서 작년 말 발표한 비즈니스 책 리스트다. 최근 innovation(혁신) 트렌드는 design 중심으로 흘러가고 있다. Blue Ocean Strategy 다음 트렌드인 듯한데, design에 중심을 둔 innovation의 개념이나 실천이 국내 기업들에게는 아직 두드러지지 않는 듯하다. CRM 열풍이 고객이 실제적으로 느낄 수 있을 만한 Relationship 구축에 이바지한다는 느낌도 잠시, 모든 기업들이 CRM 솔루션을 도입해버리자, CRM 솔루션만으로 Relationship 구축에도 한계가 다다른 것이 아닐까 하는 생각이 드는 요즘, design company에서부터 흘러나온 innovation 트렌드는 꽤 흥미롭다.

이에 부응이라도 하듯 BusinessWeek에서는 Innovation과 Design을 함께 거론하고 있다. [실제 기사]

관심가는 몇 권의 책 정보를 올려놓는다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

Worldchanging: A User's Guide to the 21st Century
Alex Steffen (Harry N. Abrams)

A book version of the worldchanging.com web site, Worldchanging is part encyclopedia of socially conscious companies and movements, part picture book (including gorgeous photographs by photographers such as Edward Burtynsky), and part lesson on how to become a greener consumer or business. No matter who you are, Worldchanging gives you the tools to do more with less.

사용자 삽입 이미지

Payback: Reaping the Rewards of Innovation
James Andrew and Harold Sirkin (Harvard Business School Press)

The Boston Consulting Group senior partners outline an approach to managing innovation based on the concept of a cash curve, which tracks investment against time. It offers practical advice and fleshes out three different business models for innovation: integrator, orchestrator, and licenser. Andrew and Sirken then suggest managerial decisions and activities for significant returns on innovation.

사용자 삽입 이미지

Marty Neumeier (Peachpit Press)

In The Brand Gap, published in 2003, Marty Neumeier addressed the wide gulf between business strategy and customer experience. Customers don't care about strategy, he argued, they care only about what your product, service, or company means in the context of their lives. Which boiled down to: "your brand isn't what you say it is?it's what they say it is." That book proposed a complete system of brand-building based on the interaction of five disciplines: differentiation, collaboration, innovation, validation, and cultivation. His new book, Zag, takes a similar approach. It is part manifesto, part practical handbook, and you can read it between LaGuardia and Logan.

사용자 삽입 이미지

Open Business Models: How to Thrive in the New Innovation Landscape
Henry Chesbrough (Harvard Business School Press)

In his critical 2003 text Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology, U.C. Berkeley's Haas School of Business professor Henry Chesbrough argued that business leaders must adopt an “open” model of innovation. In Open Business Models, Chesbrough goes a step further, addressing how one makes money in this new terrain. The book outlines a diagnostic instrument for assessing your company's current business model, and uses several examples such as Procter & Gamble and IBM. Chesbrough also introduces “innovation intermediaries” who facilitate companies' access to external