<<드래곤플라이 이펙트>>의 저자인 제니퍼 아커(Jennifer Aaker)와 앤디 스미스(Andy Smith)가 맥킨지쿼털리(Mckinsey Quarterly)와 인터뷰한 글을 읽었다. 한국에도 번역본이 나왔는데, 의외로 많이 알려지지 않았고 번역에도 다소 문제가 있는 것으로 보인다.
실은 소셜미디어에 대한 내용이라기 보다는 확산될 수 있는 힘을 가진 스토리에 대한 내용이며, 그런 스토리가 소셜 미디어를 만나 그 강력한 효과를 가지게 된다고 저자들은 이야기한다.
인터뷰 중에 기억해둘만한 내용을 옮긴다.
engagement = truly making people feel emotionally connected to helping you achieve your goals through storytelling, authenticity, and establishing a personal connection.
Social-media engagement
- tell a story
- empathize with your audience
- emphasize authenticity
- match the media with the message
Good stories have three components: a strong beginning, a strong end, and a point of tension. ... a good story takes Y, the middle part of the story, and creates tension or conflict where the reader or the audience is drawn into the story, what's going to happen next. (Jennifer Aaker)
The story is the most important thing. You don't have to be famous to tell a good story. Where it really does come back to the storyteller is authenticity. People have to believe you. And you have to believe in the story yourself in order to be effective. (Andy Smith)
All four wings of the dragonfly act in concert. The first wing is focus. (...) The second wing is grabbing attention, making people look. (...) The third wing is engagement, tell the story, which also has been important in the past. But how do you enable action on the part of employees and customers? That is very new to the social-media. (Jennifer Aaker)
Mckinsey Quarterly 원문 "The power of storytelling"